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Jessica Flawless Base Coat

Jessica Flawless Base Coat
Price: £14.50

Brand Jessica
Product Type Base Coats

Hides ridges and imperfections, Jessica Flawless Base Coat smooths the nail surface fully. Creating an excellent bond between your basecoat and nail polish so your manicure will be flawless.

Expert Tip: You don't need to apply Flawless to every nail, only those that are ridged.

How to use: Paint one coat of Flawless over your prescriptive base coat. Allow it to dry thoroughly before applying colour.

Discover the secret to a picture-perfect manicure with Jessica Flawless. This innovative product doesn't just hide ridges and imperfections; it transforms the texture of your nails, paving the way for an impeccable polish application. By creating an exceptional bond between your base coat and nail colour, Jessica Flawless ensures that your manicure not only looks stunning but also lasts longer. It's the ultimate solution for those who desire salon-quality results from the comfort of their own home.