Tisserand Neroli Ethically Harvested 2ml
Tisserand Neroli Ethically Harvested 2ml is a soft, euphoric and exquisite oil with a delicate floral aroma. Ideal in luxury massage preparations to uplift the mind and calm the senses. Neroli or Orange Blossom essential oil is a wonderfully rich and exotic addition to any aromatherapy blend. The rich fragrance, adds an element of luxury to home made aromatherapy preparations, combining woody undertones with a delicious orange top note. Neroli essential oil is extracted from the blossoms of the bitter orange tree, native to Asia and warmer regions of Western Europe. Interestingly, the name Neroli interestingly is not related to the plant itself, but, instead, to a 17th Century Italian princess, famous for using orange blossom to fragrance her gloves and bath water. The versatile essential oil can be used in both uplifting blends when combined with citrus fragrances, such as Lime, Bergamot and Orange, and in blends designed to help you relax when combined with resin fragrances such as Sandalwood, Frankincense and Myrrh.
Ethically Harvested denotes sustainable cultivation. An ethically harvested essential oil is derived from a herb, shrub or tree that is not harvested so aggressively that the species becomes depleted. As far as aromatic plants are concerned, species depletion is only rarely a problem with herbs (which are mostly easy to grow in quantity) but tends to be more of an issue with slow-growing trees. Safety: For external use only. Do not use undiluted on the skin. Avoid contact with sensitive areas, such as eyes. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use essential oils on children under 5 years old. Consult your healthcare professional before using essential oils during pregnancy. Best kept in a cool dry place. Naturally occurring allergens: Citral, Farnesol, Geraniol, Limonene and Linalool. |
Rosy, refreshing and intense oil, to balance combination skin and harmonise the emotions. Ideal in massage or the bath. |
Light, clean and refreshing, to soothe the skin and calm the mind. Ideal in massage or the bath. |
Organic Jojoba is naturally rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids, to moisturise, soften and condition the skin. |
Light, readily absorbed, this ethically harvested sweet almond oil is naturally rich in vitamins to nourish, soften and soothe. |