Mavala Mava-Strong Base Coat 10ml
Mavala Mava-Strong 10ml is a fortifying base coat that allows soft nails that are prone to splitting and breaking, to regain their normal strength, thanks to its complex of micro encapsulated key ingredients and its crystal resin, that makes the nail plate feel more resistant and thicker. This nail treatment can be used on its own or as a manicure basecoat. It is a colourless and shiny nail polish to improve the quality of the nails. Suitable for: soft, thin and breaking nails How to use: Shake bottle before use to blend and diffuse the microbeads within the product. Apply on clean nails, minimum twice a week, on the whole nail surface. |
This nail treatment for fungal nail infection. It stops the development of fungus in a few seconds, avoiding spreading onto other nails. |
Designed with a smooth and nourishing formula to give colour and help lashes stay longer rooted. In the colour black. |
Designed with a smooth and nourishing formula to give colour and help lashes stay longer rooted. In the colour Brown. |
A line of intense colour underlining and widening your eyes, highlighting their assets and making them more sparkling. In the shade green. |